
Chief Dull Knife College has an open admissions policy which stipulates that anyone who can benefit from CDKC's educational offerings and services will be admitted as a full or part-time student.

Students are accepted into the college in any of the following classifications:

Freshman Students

Those eligible are students who have completed high school or a GED program and have never attended a college or university.
The following items are required of each applicant:

  1. A completed Chief Dull Knife College application for admission;
  2. Official high school transcript or a high school equivalency certificate issued by a state department of public instruction;
  3. Scores from the CDKC placement test;
  4. Tribal enrollment certification if an enrolled member of a recognized tribe;
  5. Evidence of Immunization.

Admission is not complete until all the required documentation has been received in the Admissions/Registrar's Office. The applicant will
then receive a letter of acceptance.

Transfer Students

Those eligible are students who have attempted college credit at another college or university. Students having fewer than 30 semester
hours of college credit will be accepted regardless of academic standing. If the GPA is below Chief Dull Knife College standards, the
student will enter on academic probation. Students dropped from another institution for disciplinary reasons may be admitted at the
discretion of the college administration.

Dual Enrollment

Those eligible are juniors or seniors in high school who wish to enroll to strengthen and enrich their educational program. Eligible students must be at least 16 years of age, and may enroll in any course with the written consent of their high school counselor/principal. Credit for completed coursework will be deferred until the student has graduated from high school or receives a high school equivalency certificate.

Standards for Veteran Students

  1. Registration - Each veteran student will be counseled about benefits, credit load, withdrawal procedures, remedial and tutorial assistance and then have his enrollment card approved by the Veterans Affairs Office (VAO) during each registration.
  2. Drop-Add - Each veteran must have the approval of the VAO before dropping or adding classes. Instructors are to note the last date of the veteran's attendance on the drop-add slip. The veteran will be counseled about credit load and applicability of courses to his major field. All changes in enrollment are reported to the Veteran's Administration.
  3. Prior Credit - All previous military and civilian training will be evaluated for the purpose of granting appropriate credit.
  4. Standards of Programs - Any veteran or other eligible student receiving educational benefits from the Veteran's Administration is expected to maintain satisfactory progress toward his educational goal, and must meet the following standards:
    1. Degree and certificate standards require a cumulative 2.0 "C" GPA.
    2. Educational benefits will be terminated for any veteran or other eligible person whose cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 for more than two consecutive terms. A student may reapply for educational benefits once his cumulative GPA reaches 2.0.
    3. All final grades of the veteran or other eligible person will be considered in computing the GPA for the purpose of determining whether the veteran is maintaining satisfactory progress for V.A. payment purposes (V.A. benefits will be withheld for any courses not used in computing the GPA).
    4. Refund - Refunds for veterans and other eligible persons, as required by V.A. Regulation 14254 (c)(13), are based on the pro-rated balance of the total charges, and are provided whether the veteran withdraws from school or is dismissed.

Veterans' Upward Bound

The MSU-Northern Veterans' Upward Bound is housed on the MSU-Billings Campus. The Veterans' Upward Bound and Chief Dull Knife College share a proud tradition of academic excellence and personal attention to their students. There are two programs available to eligible students:

The Veterans College Transition Program is a ten-week developmental skill program held on the MSU-Billings campus each semester. The course work is non-credit refresher classes in math, writing, reading, speech, science and computers, all of which are offered free of charge to eligible veterans.

The Tribal College Program allows eligible veterans to enroll at their tribal college campus. Veterans' Upward Bound will pay up to $360.00 for tuition only. This often allows the veteran to attend college on a full-time basis. Veterans must complete either the college's or VUB's skill assessment in math, writing and reading, to qualify. Veterans qualifying for this program are eligible to receive assistance in applying for veterans benefits, federal financial aid, career assessment and planning.


  • A U.S. Veteran having served at least 181 days of active duty or have been medically discharged.
  • Have received a discharge other than dishonorable.
  • Meets low-income and/or first generation college student criteria.

Evidence of Immunization

All students seeking admission to Chief Dull Knife College must provide evidence of

  1. immunization for measles, mumps and rubella; or
  2. proof of a positive serologic test for measles and rubella; or
  3. proof that the student has a medical exemption to the immunization requirement; or
  4. a signed statement of a religious philosophical exemption to the immunization requirement.

Placement Testing

Student Services will test (using the Adult Basic Education TABE test):

  1. All new students who have not attended another college.
  2. Students that have not attended another institution of higher education for two years and did not complete Math, English and Science courses.
  3. Transfer students with English, Math or Science course(s) of "D" or lower or who have not completed math these courses must take the test and show proof of transcript. The transcript will remain on file in the Registrar's office.
  4. Former students returning after an absence of 6 years or more are required to take a placement test before enrolling unless they have a previous Associate Degree or higher.


Students are assigned an advisor by the Student Services Coordinator depending upon the major they chose.

Although advisors are here to help, it is important for students to realize that the ultimate responsibility for meeting all graduation requirements are their own. Students can increase their academic planning effectiveness by fully utilizing the advising system, and by acquainting themselves with the academic requirements of their major fields, college policies for registration and graduation, and scholastic requirements. The CDKC catalog is the official source of information on these matters and is available upon request from the Registrar's Office.


Requests for transcripts should be directed to the Registrars office. Official transcripts may not be released if a student has financial obligations to the College. After the first free transcript, there will be a $2.00 charge for each additional copy.

Request for Waiver of Course Substitution

Students who request a waiver or a course substitution may do so with the consent of the advisor, Dean of Academic Affairs and the Registrar.